[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
463 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 162.684 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
org.jomc.ant.types.test | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 |
org.jomc.ant.test | 462 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 162.684 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
ClassFileProcessorTaskTest | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.719 | |
ClassProcessingExceptionTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 | |
CommitClassesTaskTest | 48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 41.593 | |
GenerateResourcesTaskTest | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 7.796 | |
JomcModelTaskTest | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.11 | |
JomcTaskTest | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.016 | |
JomcToolTaskTest | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.703 | |
ManageSourcesTaskTest | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 8.656 | |
MergeModletsTaskTest | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 4.094 | |
MergeModulesTaskTest | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 4.813 | |
ResourceFileProcessorTaskTest | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.718 | |
ResourceProcessingExceptionTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 | |
SourceFileProcessorTaskTest | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.953 | |
SourceProcessingExceptionTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 | |
ValidateClassesTaskTest | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 40.407 | |
ValidateClasspathTaskTest | 44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 39.827 | |
ValidateModelTaskTest | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.905 | |
WriteModelTaskTest | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 3.374 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
testGetImplementation | 0.063 | |
testGetSpecification | 0.047 | |
testVelocityPropertyResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testTemplateParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testInvalidMultipleLocaleElements | 0.094 | |
testConfigureJomcTool | 0.046 | |
testTemplateParameterMissingKey | 0.079 | |
testGetModule | 0.046 | |
testVelocityPropertyMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.047 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.063 | |
testGetModel | 0.047 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.078 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testCloneable | 0.063 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.047 | |
testGetProperties | 0.046 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.047 | |
testGetResource | 0.063 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.047 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 |
testCommitAntTasksWithNoopStylesheet | 5.156 | |
testCommitAntTasksDeprecatedAttributes | 0.437 | |
testCommitAntTasksBrokenModel | 0.61 | |
testMissingClassesDirectory | 0.14 | |
testCommitOneSpecification | 1.079 | |
testCommitAntTasksAllAttributes | 0.468 | |
testCommitOneImplementationWithNoopStylesheet | 0.953 | |
testCommitOneSpecificationWithNoopStylesheet | 1.641 | |
testCommitOneImplementation | 0.828 | |
testOptionalStylesheetNotFound | 2.11 | |
testCommitOneModule | 2.125 | |
testStylesheetNotFound | 0.421 | |
testClassProcessingDisabled | 0.375 | |
testCommitAntTasksWithRedundantResources | 2.344 | |
testCommitAntTasksWithNestedClasspath | 1.688 | |
testStylesheetMissingLocationKey | 0.235 | |
testModuleNotFound | 0.422 | |
testSpecificationNotFound | 0.593 | |
testCommitAntTasksWithClasspathref | 2.047 | |
testCommitAntTasks | 1.781 | |
testImplementationNotFound | 0.516 | |
testCommitOneModuleWithNoopStylesheet | 3.219 | |
testGetImplementation | 0.234 | |
testGetSpecification | 0.266 | |
testVelocityPropertyResourceMissingLocation | 0.156 | |
testTemplateParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.422 | |
testInvalidMultipleLocaleElements | 0.156 | |
testConfigureJomcTool | 0.281 | |
testTemplateParameterMissingKey | 0.25 | |
testGetModule | 0.453 | |
testVelocityPropertyMissingKey | 0.266 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.25 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.469 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.171 | |
testGetModel | 0.313 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 2.625 | |
testExecuteTask | 2.234 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.532 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.312 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.172 | |
testCloneable | 0.578 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.234 | |
testGetProperties | 0.266 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.594 | |
testGetResource | 0.156 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.281 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.5 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.234 |
testGenerateAntTaskResourcesBrokenModel | 0.359 | |
testGenerateAntTaskResourcesAllAttributes | 0.266 | |
testGenerateAntTaskResourcesWithRedundantResources | 0.5 | |
testGenerateAntTaskResources | 0.39 | |
testGenerateAntTaskResourcesWithNestedClasspath | 0.391 | |
testMissingResourcesDirectory | 0.078 | |
testGenerateOneImplementation | 0.375 | |
testGenerateAntTaskResourcesWithClasspathref | 0.391 | |
testResourceProcessingDisabled | 0.078 | |
testGenerateOneSpecification | 0.359 | |
testModuleNotFound | 0.375 | |
testSpecificationNotFound | 0.36 | |
testGenerateOneModule | 0.406 | |
testImplementationNotFound | 0.359 | |
testGenerateAntTaskResourcesDeprecatedAttributes | 0.281 | |
testGetImplementation | 0.079 | |
testGetSpecification | 0.078 | |
testVelocityPropertyResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testTemplateParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.094 | |
testInvalidMultipleLocaleElements | 0.093 | |
testConfigureJomcTool | 0.141 | |
testTemplateParameterMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testGetModule | 0.078 | |
testVelocityPropertyMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.078 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.078 | |
testGetModel | 0.062 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.391 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.39 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.078 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.079 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.093 | |
testCloneable | 0.094 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.094 | |
testGetProperties | 0.078 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.078 | |
testGetResource | 0.078 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.078 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.079 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.046 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.063 | |
testGetModel | 0.047 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.078 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testCloneable | 0.047 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.047 | |
testGetProperties | 0.047 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.062 | |
testGetResource | 0.047 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.047 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.094 |
testAssertNotNull | 0.047 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.047 | |
testGetModel | 0.062 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.079 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testCloneable | 0.062 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.047 | |
testGetProperties | 0.047 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.047 | |
testGetResource | 0.047 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.062 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.079 |
testGetImplementation | 0.047 | |
testGetSpecification | 0.047 | |
testVelocityPropertyResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testTemplateParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.094 | |
testInvalidMultipleLocaleElements | 0.078 | |
testConfigureJomcTool | 0.047 | |
testTemplateParameterMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testGetModule | 0.062 | |
testVelocityPropertyMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.063 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.047 | |
testGetModel | 0.047 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.078 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testCloneable | 0.063 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.047 | |
testGetProperties | 0.047 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.046 | |
testGetResource | 0.047 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.063 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 |
testSourceProcessingDisabled | 0.094 | |
testManageAntTaskSourcesDeprecatedAttributes | 0.265 | |
testManageAntTaskSourcesBrokenModel | 0.36 | |
testMissingSourcesDirectory | 0.094 | |
testManageAntTaskSourcesAllAttributes | 0.265 | |
testManageAntTaskSources | 0.703 | |
testManageOneSpecification | 0.407 | |
testModuleNotFound | 0.375 | |
testManageOneModule | 0.468 | |
testSpecificationNotFound | 0.438 | |
testManageAntTaskSourcesWithRedundantResources | 0.531 | |
testManageAntTaskSourcesWithNestedClasspath | 0.469 | |
testImplementationNotFound | 0.359 | |
testManageAntTaskSourcesWithClasspathref | 0.516 | |
testManageOneImplementation | 0.39 | |
testGetImplementation | 0.094 | |
testGetSpecification | 0.078 | |
testVelocityPropertyResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testTemplateParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.094 | |
testInvalidMultipleLocaleElements | 0.078 | |
testConfigureJomcTool | 0.094 | |
testTemplateParameterMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testGetModule | 0.078 | |
testVelocityPropertyMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.094 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.078 | |
testGetModel | 0.094 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.453 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.437 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.094 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testCloneable | 0.078 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.078 | |
testGetProperties | 0.078 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.094 | |
testGetResource | 0.078 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.078 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.094 |
testMissingModletFile | 0.078 | |
testMissingModletName | 0.094 | |
testMergeModletsUnsupportedResource | 0.219 | |
testInclusionMissingModletName | 0.094 | |
testMergeModletsAllAttributes | 0.14 | |
testExclusionMissingModletName | 0.094 | |
testIsModletExcluded | 0.078 | |
testModletResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testMergeModletsWithRedundantResources | 0.297 | |
testMergeModletsWithIllegalTransformationResultStylesheet | 0.156 | |
testMergeModletsExclusion | 0.282 | |
testMergeModletsInclusion | 0.375 | |
testMergeModlets | 0.156 | |
testIsModletIncluded | 0.078 | |
testMergeModletsWithNoopStylesheet | 0.172 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.078 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.078 | |
testGetModel | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.282 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.281 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.078 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.093 | |
testCloneable | 0.079 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.078 | |
testGetProperties | 0.078 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.094 | |
testGetResource | 0.078 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.062 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 |
testInclusionMissingModuleName | 0.078 | |
testIsModuleIncluded | 0.094 | |
testExclusionMissingModuleName | 0.094 | |
testMergeModulesWithRedundantResources | 0.375 | |
testMergeModulesExclusion | 0.297 | |
testMergeModulesWithNoopStylesheet | 0.312 | |
testIsModuleExcluded | 0.078 | |
testMergeModulesUnsupportedResource | 0.297 | |
testMergeModulesInclusion | 0.313 | |
testMergeModulesWithIllegalTransformationResultStylesheet | 0.281 | |
testMergeModules | 0.297 | |
testMergeModulesAllAttributes | 0.297 | |
testMissingModuleFile | 0.078 | |
testMissingModuleName | 0.094 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.093 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.078 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.079 | |
testGetModel | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.297 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.296 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.094 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testCloneable | 0.078 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.078 | |
testGetProperties | 0.078 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.079 | |
testGetResource | 0.078 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.078 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 |
testGetImplementation | 0.046 | |
testGetSpecification | 0.047 | |
testVelocityPropertyResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testTemplateParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.094 | |
testInvalidMultipleLocaleElements | 0.078 | |
testConfigureJomcTool | 0.047 | |
testTemplateParameterMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testGetModule | 0.047 | |
testVelocityPropertyMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.063 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.046 | |
testGetModel | 0.047 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.079 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.078 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.093 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.079 | |
testCloneable | 0.062 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.047 | |
testGetProperties | 0.047 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.047 | |
testGetResource | 0.047 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.062 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 |
testGetImplementation | 0.047 | |
testGetSpecification | 0.047 | |
testVelocityPropertyResourceMissingLocation | 0.094 | |
testTemplateParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 | |
testInvalidMultipleLocaleElements | 0.093 | |
testConfigureJomcTool | 0.047 | |
testTemplateParameterMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testGetModule | 0.156 | |
testVelocityPropertyMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.079 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.062 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.047 | |
testGetModel | 0.062 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.079 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.093 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testCloneable | 0.047 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.062 | |
testGetProperties | 0.063 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.047 | |
testGetResource | 0.062 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.047 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.109 |
testValidateOneImplementation | 0.938 | |
testMissingClassesDirectory | 0.234 | |
testValidateOneIllegalSpecification | 1.328 | |
testValidateAntTasksWithRedundantResources | 2.407 | |
testValidateOneIllegalImplementation | 1.203 | |
testValidateAntTasksAllAttributes | 0.515 | |
testValidateAntTasksBrokenModel | 0.454 | |
testValidateAntTasksDeprecatedAttributes | 0.656 | |
testClassProcessingDisabled | 0.156 | |
testValidateAntTasksWithNestedClasspath | 2.688 | |
testValidateOneIllegalModule | 2.796 | |
testValidateAntTasksWithClasspathref | 2.375 | |
testValidateOneSpecification | 0.969 | |
testModuleNotFound | 0.453 | |
testSpecificationNotFound | 0.422 | |
testValidateIllegalAntTasks | 2.844 | |
testValidateOneModule | 2.766 | |
testValidateAntTasks | 2.515 | |
testImplementationNotFound | 0.406 | |
testGetImplementation | 0.188 | |
testGetSpecification | 0.391 | |
testVelocityPropertyResourceMissingLocation | 0.25 | |
testTemplateParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.281 | |
testInvalidMultipleLocaleElements | 0.703 | |
testConfigureJomcTool | 0.187 | |
testTemplateParameterMissingKey | 0.235 | |
testGetModule | 0.609 | |
testVelocityPropertyMissingKey | 0.266 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.859 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.172 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.234 | |
testGetModel | 0.61 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 3.781 | |
testExecuteTask | 2.375 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.234 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.188 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.187 | |
testCloneable | 0.266 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.234 | |
testGetProperties | 0.454 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.265 | |
testGetResource | 0.25 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.625 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.172 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.266 |
testValidateOneImplementation | 2.532 | |
testValidateOneIllegalSpecification | 1.515 | |
testValidateAntTasksWithRedundantResources | 2.516 | |
testValidateOneIllegalImplementation | 1.109 | |
testValidateAntTasksAllAttributes | 0.688 | |
testValidateAntTasksBrokenModel | 0.5 | |
testValidateAntTasksDeprecatedAttributes | 0.687 | |
testClassProcessingDisabled | 0.141 | |
testValidateAntTasksWithNestedClasspath | 2.422 | |
testValidateOneIllegalModule | 2.437 | |
testValidateAntTasksWithClasspathref | 2.406 | |
testValidateOneSpecification | 1 | |
testModuleNotFound | 0.422 | |
testSpecificationNotFound | 0.453 | |
testValidateIllegalAntTasks | 2.656 | |
testValidateOneModule | 2.313 | |
testValidateAntTasks | 2.25 | |
testImplementationNotFound | 0.531 | |
testGetImplementation | 0.203 | |
testGetSpecification | 0.219 | |
testVelocityPropertyResourceMissingLocation | 0.297 | |
testTemplateParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.344 | |
testInvalidMultipleLocaleElements | 0.25 | |
testConfigureJomcTool | 0.172 | |
testTemplateParameterMissingKey | 0.468 | |
testGetModule | 0.297 | |
testVelocityPropertyMissingKey | 0.25 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.281 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.344 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.234 | |
testGetModel | 0.172 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 3.39 | |
testExecuteTask | 2.922 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.188 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.328 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.297 | |
testCloneable | 0.39 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.157 | |
testGetProperties | 0.14 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.172 | |
testGetResource | 0.688 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.25 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.515 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.281 |
testValidateModelWithBrokenModel | 0.406 | |
testValidateModel | 0.281 | |
testValidateModelWithRedundantResources | 0.359 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.094 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.078 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.078 | |
testGetModel | 0.079 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.281 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.375 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.078 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testCloneable | 0.078 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.078 | |
testGetProperties | 0.078 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.078 | |
testGetResource | 0.078 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.079 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.093 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 |
testWriteModelAllAttributes | 0.265 | |
testModuleNotFound | 0.391 | |
testSpecificationNotFound | 0.375 | |
testImplementationNotFound | 0.375 | |
testModuleResourceMissingLocation | 0.094 | |
testAssertNotNull | 0.078 | |
testAssertNamesNotNull | 0.078 | |
testGetModel | 0.078 | |
testExecuteTaskIf | 0.375 | |
testExecuteTask | 0.375 | |
testExecuteTaskUnless | 0.078 | |
testModelContextAttributeMissingKey | 0.078 | |
testTransformationParameterMissingKey | 0.094 | |
testCloneable | 0.078 | |
testGetTransformer | 0.078 | |
testGetProperties | 0.078 | |
testAssertKeysNotNull | 0.078 | |
testGetResource | 0.078 | |
testAssertLocationsNotNull | 0.079 | |
testTransformationOutputPropertyMissingKey | 0.093 | |
testTransformationParameterResourceMissingLocation | 0.078 |