Customizing code generation

If you need to customize the generated code, simply provide custom templates to the JOMC Plugin. This is done by adding a template artifact as a plugin dependency and setting the templateProfile parameter of the JOMC Plugin. As a starting point you can copy the default templates from the JOMC Tools artifact from directory org/jomc/tools/templates/jomc-java to a org/jomc/tools/templates/sub-directory of your template artifact.

For example, copying the default templates to directory org/jomc/tools/templates/custom-profile, you need to set the templateProfile parameter to custom-profile and add your template artifact as a plugin dependency for the templates to be found.

See class SourceFileProcessor for details, especially the getVelocityTemplate method and the getSourceFilesType methods.


Controlling behaviour of the default templates

As of JOMC 1.2, the behaviour of the default templates can be controlled using the templateParameters parameter. The default values are shown below.


            <!-- Flag indicating generated code to contain checks for illegal null references using the 'assert' keyword. -->

            <!-- Flag indicating generated code to contain copyright notices based on model object authors. -->

            <!-- Flag indicating generated code to contain editor folds for the Netbeans IDE and compatible editors. -->

            <!-- Flag indicating generated code to contain javadoc documentation. -->

            <!-- Flag indicating generated code to contain '@author' javadoc documentation tags. -->

            <!-- Flag indicating generated code to contain '@version' javadoc documentation tags. -->

            <!-- Flag indicating generated code to contain JSR-250 '@Generated' annotations. -->

            <!-- Name of the project. -->

            <!-- SCM file identification keyword. The given value will be surrounded by '$' characters. -->

            <!-- Since 1.3: Flag indicating generated code to contain '@SuppressWarnings' annotations with the given value. -->

            <!-- Flag indicating generated code to contain copyright notices based on model object vendor information. -->
