CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.2.3.


File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 140
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 194
    public AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getCountryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Country Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Country Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getImplementationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Implementation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Implementation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getIndentationStringOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Indentation String Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Indentation String Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getInputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Input Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Input Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLanguageOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Language Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Language Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLineSeparatorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Line Separator Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Line Separator Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLocaleVariantOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale Variant Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale Variant Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Name Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Name Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Resource Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Resource File Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Resource Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoResourceProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Resource Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Resource Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Output Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Output Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Resource Directory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Resource Directory Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <p><strong>Properties:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Name</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Type</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Documentation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>{@code <Required>}</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>{@code boolean}</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top"></td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Resource Directory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getResourceDirectoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Resource Directory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Resource Directory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Resource File Processor Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ResourceFileProcessor Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Resource File Processor Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getResourceFileProcessorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Resource File Processor Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Resource File Processor Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Disabled Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Disabled Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Resource File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Resource Directory Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ResourceFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getCountryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getImplementationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getIndentationStringOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getInputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLanguageOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLineSeparatorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLocaleVariantOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleNameOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClasspathResolutionOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoJavaValidationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModletResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoResourceProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getOutputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getPlatformProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getResourceDirectoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getResourceFileProcessorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getSpecificationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTransformerLocationOption() );
        return options;
    // </editor-fold>

File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 133
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 194
    public AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getCountryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Country Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Country Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getImplementationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Implementation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Implementation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getIndentationStringOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Indentation String Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Indentation String Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getInputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Input Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Input Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLanguageOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Language Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Language Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLineSeparatorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Line Separator Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Line Separator Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLocaleVariantOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale Variant Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale Variant Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Name Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Name Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Source Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Source File Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Source Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoSourceProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Source Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Source Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Output Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Output Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Source Directory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Source Directory Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <p><strong>Properties:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Name</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Type</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Documentation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>{@code <Required>}</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>{@code boolean}</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top"></td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Source Directory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSourceDirectoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Source Directory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Source Directory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Source File Processor Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ SourceFileProcessor Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Source File Processor Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSourceFileProcessorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Source File Processor Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Source File Processor Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Disabled Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Disabled Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Source File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Source Directory Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ SourceFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getCountryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getImplementationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getIndentationStringOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getInputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLanguageOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLineSeparatorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLocaleVariantOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleNameOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClasspathResolutionOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoJavaValidationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModletResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoSourceProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getOutputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getPlatformProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getSourceDirectoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getSourceFileProcessorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getSpecificationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTransformerLocationOption() );
        return options;
    // </editor-fold>

File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 133
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 230
    public AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Class File Processor Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ClassFileProcessor Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Class File Processor Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClassFileProcessorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Class File Processor Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Class File Processor Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getCountryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Country Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Country Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getImplementationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Implementation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Implementation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getIndentationStringOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Indentation String Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Indentation String Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getInputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Input Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Input Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLanguageOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Language Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Language Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLineSeparatorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Line Separator Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Line Separator Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLocaleVariantOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale Variant Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale Variant Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Name Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Name Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClassProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Class Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Class Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Output Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Output Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Disabled Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Disabled Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 236
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 136
    public AbstractModelCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClasspathResolutionOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoJavaValidationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModletResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getPlatformProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTransformerLocationOption() );
        return options;
    // </editor-fold>

File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 742
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 735
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 796
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 796
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Disabled Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Disabled Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Resource File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Resource Directory Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ResourceFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getCountryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getImplementationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getIndentationStringOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getInputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLanguageOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLineSeparatorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLocaleVariantOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleNameOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClasspathResolutionOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoJavaValidationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModletResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoResourceProcessingOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 701
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 742
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 735
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 796
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 796
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Disabled Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Disabled Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ClassFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClassFileProcessorOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 721
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 870
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Disabled Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Disabled Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ClassFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClassFileProcessorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 762
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 755
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 870
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 816
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 816
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Disabled Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Disabled Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Resource File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Resource Directory Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ResourceFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 742
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 735
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 796
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 796
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 798
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Disabled Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Disabled Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 161
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 290
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 258
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getCountryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Country Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Country Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getImplementationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Implementation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Implementation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getIndentationStringOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Indentation String Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Indentation String Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getInputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Input Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Input Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLanguageOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Language Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Language Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLineSeparatorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Line Separator Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Line Separator Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLocaleVariantOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale Variant Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale Variant Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Name Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Name Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClassProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Class Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Class Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Output Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Output Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 541
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 840
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 638
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Output Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Output Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 870
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 818
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Disabled Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDisabledMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Disabled Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Disabled Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 564
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1239
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 464
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 472
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 140
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 133
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 194
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 194
    public AbstractJomcToolCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getCountryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Country Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Country Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getImplementationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Implementation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Implementation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getIndentationStringOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Indentation String Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Indentation String Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getInputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Input Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Input Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLanguageOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Language Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Language Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLineSeparatorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Line Separator Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Line Separator Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLocaleVariantOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale Variant Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale Variant Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Name Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Name Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 544
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 917
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 663
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 444
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1000
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 742
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 735
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 796
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 796
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 564
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1239
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 811
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 937
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 683
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 464
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1020
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 870
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Deprecated Option Message", locale, deprecatedOption, replacementOption );
        assert _m != null : "'Deprecated Option Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 162
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 477
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 145
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 138
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 291
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 199
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 199
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 259
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getCountryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Country Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Country Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Default Template Profile Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDefaultTemplateProfileOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Default Template Profile Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Default Template Profile Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getImplementationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Implementation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Implementation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getIndentationStringOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Indentation String Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Indentation String Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Input Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getInputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Input Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Input Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Language Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLanguageOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Language Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Language Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Line Separator Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLineSeparatorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Line Separator Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Line Separator Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale Variant Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getLocaleVariantOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale Variant Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale Variant Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Name Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Name Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClassProcessingOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1410
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1172
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1165
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1226
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1226
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getCountryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getImplementationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getIndentationStringOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getInputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLanguageOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLineSeparatorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLocaleVariantOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleNameOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClasspathResolutionOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoJavaValidationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModletResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getOutputEncodingOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 782
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1081
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 544
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 823
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 816
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 931
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 877
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 877
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 917
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 663
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 879
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 444
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Transformer Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Transformer Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1131
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1410
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1280
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ClassFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClassFileProcessorOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 802
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1101
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1239
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 843
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 836
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 951
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 897
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 897
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 811
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 899
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Application Modlet" );
        assert _p != null : "'Application Modlet' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Modlet Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Modlet Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Provider Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of providers to exclude from any {@code META-INF/services} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getProviderExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Provider Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Provider Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Schema Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of schema context-ids to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getSchemaExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Schema Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Schema Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Service Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of service classes to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getServiceExcludes()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Service Excludes" );
        assert _p != null : "'Service Excludes' property not found.";
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Cannot Process Message", locale, itemInfo, detailMessage );
        assert _m != null : "'Cannot Process Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param classpathElement Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String classpathElement )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Info", locale, classpathElement );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Classpath Element Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getClasspathElementNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Classpath Element Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Classpath Element Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 720
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 388
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 381
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 442
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 442
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 383
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Name Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Name Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1303
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1420
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ClassFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClassFileProcessorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getCountryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getImplementationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getIndentationStringOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getInputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLanguageOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLineSeparatorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLocaleVariantOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleNameOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClassProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClasspathResolutionOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoJavaValidationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModletResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getOutputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getPlatformProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getSpecificationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTransformerLocationOption() );
        return options;
    // </editor-fold>

File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 840
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 670
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Output Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Output Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1410
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1228
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Failed Creating Object Message", locale, objectInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Failed Creating Object Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 404
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 737
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 503
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 304
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 236
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1031
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 136
    public AbstractModelCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 395
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 401
    public MergeModletsCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Document Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Document Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Document Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Document Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Document Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Document Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Document Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <p><strong>Properties:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Name</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Type</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Documentation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>{@code <Required>}</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>{@code boolean}</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top"></td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Document Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Document Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Document Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Excludes Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Excludes Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Excludes Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletExcludesOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1282
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1561
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1323
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1316
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1431
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1377
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1377
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1100
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ClassFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1452
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1420
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ClassFileProcessor Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classes Directory Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Stylesheet Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClassFileProcessorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getClassesDirectoryOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1582
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1344
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1337
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1398
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1398
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1420
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Default Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Input Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Language Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Line Separator Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Locale Variant Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Profile Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1291
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1417
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Write Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Write Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getWriteInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Write Info", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Write Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Document Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Document Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Excludes Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Includes Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Vendor Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Version Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Resources Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Stylesheet Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletExcludesOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 401
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 530
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 383
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 498
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Name Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Name Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClassProcessingOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 264
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1059
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 483
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 164
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 284
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 363
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 184
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1131
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1410
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 851
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1526
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1172
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1165
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1280
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1226
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1226
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1098
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1224
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 970
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1228
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 751
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param documentFile Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String documentFile )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Info", locale, documentFile );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Document File Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDocumentFileNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Document File Not Found Warning", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Document File Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param modletIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String modletIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Modlet Info", locale, resourceName, modletIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Modlet Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param providerName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Provider Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedProviderInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String providerName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Provider Info", locale, resourceName, providerName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Provider Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param contextId Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Schema Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedSchemaInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String contextId )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Schema Info", locale, resourceName, contextId );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Schema Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param resourceName Format argument.
     * @param serviceName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Excluded Service Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getExcludedServiceInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String resourceName, final java.lang.String serviceName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Excluded Service Info", locale, resourceName, serviceName );
        assert _m != null : "'Excluded Service Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param objectInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Failed Creating Object Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getFailedCreatingObjectMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String objectInfo )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1121
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1420
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Module Not Found Warning", locale, moduleName );
        assert _m != null : "'Module Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Specification Not Found Warning", locale, specificationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Specification Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Write Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Write Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 401
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 720
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 304
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 388
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 381
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 530
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 442
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 442
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 498
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 204
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 541
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 840
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 404
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 508
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 501
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 670
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 562
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 562
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 737
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 503
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 638
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 304
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Classpath Resolution Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Classpath Resolution Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Java Validation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoJavaValidationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Java Validation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Java Validation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelProcessingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Processing Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Processing Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Model Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModelResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Model Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Model Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 711
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 817
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Resources Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Resources Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Resources Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getResourcesOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Resources Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Resources Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Stylesheet Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Stylesheet Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Stylesheet Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getStylesheetOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Stylesheet Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Stylesheet Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1079
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 503
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 363
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 401
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 720
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1099
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 388
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 381
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 530
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 442
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 442
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 523
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 498
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 395
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 401
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 255
    public MergeModletsCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Document Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Document Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Document Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Document Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Document Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Document Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Document Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <p><strong>Properties:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Name</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Type</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Documentation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>{@code <Required>}</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>{@code boolean}</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top"></td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Document Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Document Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Document Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 981
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1656
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1291
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1417
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 881
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Java Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Processing Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Model Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 264
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1059
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 477
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 164
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1005
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 478
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1304
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 767
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1442
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1046
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1039
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1154
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1100
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1100
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1014
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1140
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 886
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1102
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 667
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Failure Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandFailureMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Failure Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Failure Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Info Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandInfoMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Info Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Info Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param toolName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Command Success Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCommandSuccessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String toolName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Command Success Message", locale, toolName );
        assert _m != null : "'Command Success Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param deprecatedOption Format argument.
     * @param replacementOption Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Deprecated Option Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDeprecatedOptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String deprecatedOption, final java.lang.String replacementOption )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 641
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 940
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 628
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 621
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 770
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 682
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 682
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 738
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Output Encoding Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Output Encoding Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 484
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 711
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 583
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 384
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 790
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 603
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Stylesheet Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Stylesheet Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Stylesheet Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getStylesheetOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 484
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1179
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 711
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 817
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 583
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 384
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Transformer Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Transformer Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getTransformerLocationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 497
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 363
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Excludes Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Excludes Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Excludes Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletExcludesOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 661
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 960
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 603
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 758
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1595
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1755
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1714
        options.addOption( this.getClassFileProcessorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getCountryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getImplementationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getIndentationStringOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getInputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLanguageOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLineSeparatorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLocaleVariantOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleNameOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClassProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClasspathResolutionOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoJavaValidationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModletResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getOutputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getPlatformProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getSpecificationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateEncodingOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1364
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1643
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1405
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1398
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1514
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1460
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1460
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1332
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1458
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1183
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1482
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSpecificationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String specificationIdentifier )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1364
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1643
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 1021
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1696
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1405
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1398
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1514
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1460
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1460
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1183
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1482
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 922
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param locationInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Reading Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getReadingMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String locationInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Reading Message", locale, locationInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Reading Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 401
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 720
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 388
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 381
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 530
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 442
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 442
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 517
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 498
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Context Factory Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelContextFactoryOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Context Factory Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Context Factory Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Model Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModelOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Model Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Model Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 481
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 800
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 468
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 461
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 610
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 522
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 522
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 643
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 463
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 578
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Name Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleNameOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Name Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Name Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Class File Processing Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Class Processing Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClassProcessingOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 661
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 960
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 504
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 648
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 641
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 790
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 702
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 702
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 731
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 837
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 603
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 758
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 404
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 241
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 560
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 228
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 221
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 370
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 282
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 282
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 323
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 338
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getImplementationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Implementation Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Implementation Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Indentation String Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Indentation String Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getIndentationStringOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 661
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 960
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1199
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 648
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 641
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 790
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 702
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 702
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 758
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Platform Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getPlatformProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Platform Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Platform Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Provider Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getProviderLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Provider Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Provider Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 334
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 340
                this.log( Level.INFO, this.getWriteInfo( this.getLocale(), modletFile.getAbsolutePath() ), null );

            suppressExceptionOnClose = false;
        catch ( final IOException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
        catch ( final TransformerException e )
            String message = getExceptionMessage( e );
            if ( message == null )
                message = getExceptionMessage( e.getException() );

            throw new CommandExecutionException( message, e );
        catch ( final JAXBException e )
            String message = getExceptionMessage( e );
            if ( message == null )
                message = getExceptionMessage( e.getLinkedException() );

            throw new CommandExecutionException( message, e );
        catch ( final ModelException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                if ( classLoader != null )
            catch ( final IOException e )
                if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                    this.log( Level.SEVERE, getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                    throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );

    // SECTION-START[Constructors]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Constructors ">
    /** Creates a new {@code MergeModletsCommand} instance. */
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public MergeModletsCommand()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1303
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1582
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 981
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1656
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1344
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1337
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1452
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1398
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1398
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1291
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1417
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1121
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1420
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 881
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Invalid Model Message", locale, modelIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Invalid Model Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1392
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1518
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1264
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Write Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param fileName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Write Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getWriteInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String fileName )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Write Info", locale, fileName );
        assert _m != null : "'Write Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Document Encoding Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Document Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ModelContextFactory Class Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Model Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Excludes Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Includes Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Name Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Vendor Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Version Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Platform Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Provider Location Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Resources Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *     <tr class="TableRow">
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option {@code (org.apache.commons.cli.Option)} @ 1.2</td>
     *       <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Stylesheet Option</td>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Options options = new org.apache.commons.cli.Options();
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1595
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1865
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1639
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1632
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1755
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1695
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1695
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1714
        options.addOption( this.getClassFileProcessorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getClasspathOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getCountryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDefaultTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getDocumentsOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getImplementationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getIndentationStringOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getInputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLanguageOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLineSeparatorOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getLocaleVariantOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleNameOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClassProcessingOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 581
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 1042
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1717
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 943
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Generated Command]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Options ">
     * Gets the options of the command.
     * <p><strong>Options:</strong>
     *   <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
     *     <tr class="TableSubHeadingColor">
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Specification</b></th>
     *       <th align="left" scope="col" nowrap><b>Implementation</b></th>
     *     </tr>
     *   </table>
     * </p>
     * @return The options of the command.
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 92
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 88
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 88
    protected void processClassFiles( final CommandLine commandLine ) throws CommandExecutionException
        if ( commandLine == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "commandLine" );

        CommandLineClassLoader classLoader = null;
        boolean suppressExceptionOnClose = true;

            classLoader = new CommandLineClassLoader( commandLine );
            final ModelContext context = this.createModelContext( commandLine, classLoader );
            final Model model = this.getModel( context, commandLine );
            final JAXBContext jaxbContext = context.createContext( model.getIdentifier() );
            final Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller( model.getIdentifier() );
            final Source source = new JAXBSource( jaxbContext, new ObjectFactory().createModel( model ) );
            final ModelValidationReport validationReport = context.validateModel( model.getIdentifier(), source );
            this.log( validationReport, marshaller );

            if ( !validationReport.isModelValid() )
                throw new CommandExecutionException( this.getInvalidModelMessage(
                    this.getLocale(), this.getModel( commandLine ) ) );


            final ClassFileProcessor tool = this.createClassFileProcessor( commandLine );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 177
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 179

            suppressExceptionOnClose = false;
        catch ( final JAXBException e )
            String message = getExceptionMessage( e );
            if ( message == null )
                message = getExceptionMessage( e.getLinkedException() );

            throw new CommandExecutionException( message, e );
        catch ( final ModelException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
        catch ( final IOException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                if ( classLoader != null )
            catch ( final IOException e )
                if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                    this.log( Level.SEVERE, getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                    throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );

    // SECTION-START[Constructors]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Constructors ">
    /** Creates a new {@code CommitClassesCommand} instance. */
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public CommitClassesCommand()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 143
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 143
                tool.writeResourceBundleResourceFiles( resourcesDirectory );

            suppressExceptionOnClose = false;
        catch ( final JAXBException e )
            String message = getExceptionMessage( e );
            if ( message == null )
                message = getExceptionMessage( e.getLinkedException() );

            throw new CommandExecutionException( message, e );
        catch ( final ModelException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
        catch ( final IOException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                if ( classLoader != null )
            catch ( final IOException e )
                if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                    this.log( Level.SEVERE, getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                    throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );

    // SECTION-START[Constructors]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Constructors ">
    /** Creates a new {@code GenerateResourcesCommand} instance. */
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public GenerateResourcesCommand()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 178
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 144
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 144
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 180

            suppressExceptionOnClose = false;
        catch ( final JAXBException e )
            String message = getExceptionMessage( e );
            if ( message == null )
                message = getExceptionMessage( e.getLinkedException() );

            throw new CommandExecutionException( message, e );
        catch ( final ModelException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
        catch ( final IOException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                if ( classLoader != null )
            catch ( final IOException e )
                if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                    this.log( Level.SEVERE, getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                    throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );

    // SECTION-START[Constructors]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Constructors ">
    /** Creates a new {@code CommitClassesCommand} instance. */
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public CommitClassesCommand()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1385
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 581
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1664
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1426
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1419
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1535
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1481
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1481
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1353
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1479
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1204
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1503
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Separator>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Separator>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getSeparator( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Separator", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Separator' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Short Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getShortDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Short Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Short Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param specificationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Specification Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 166
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 146
                    Object o = u.unmarshal( f );
                    if ( o instanceof JAXBElement<?> )
                        o = ( (JAXBElement<?>) o ).getValue();

                    if ( o instanceof Module )
                        modules.getModule().add( (Module) o );
                    else if ( o instanceof Modules )
                        modules.getModule().addAll( ( (Modules) o ).getModule() );
                    else if ( this.isLoggable( Level.WARNING ) )
                        this.log( Level.WARNING, this.getCannotProcessMessage(
                                  this.getLocale(), f.getAbsolutePath(), o.toString() ), null );


            if ( commandLine.hasOption( this.getClasspathOption().getOpt() ) )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 133
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 228
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 230
    public AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Class File Processor Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ ClassFileProcessor Class Name Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Class File Processor Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClassFileProcessorOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Class File Processor Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Class File Processor Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 472
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 236
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1031
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 140
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 133
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 194
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 194
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 395
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 401
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 255
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 136
    public AbstractJomcToolCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getCountryOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 352
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 358
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 212
        catch ( final JAXBException e )
            String message = getExceptionMessage( e );
            if ( message == null )
                message = getExceptionMessage( e.getLinkedException() );

            throw new CommandExecutionException( message, e );
        catch ( final ModelException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                if ( classLoader != null )
            catch ( final IOException e )
                if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                    this.log( Level.SEVERE, getExceptionMessage( e ), e );
                    throw new CommandExecutionException( getExceptionMessage( e ), e );

    // SECTION-START[Constructors]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Constructors ">
    /** Creates a new {@code MergeModletsCommand} instance. */
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    public MergeModletsCommand()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1613
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1882
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1732
        options.addOption( this.getNoClassProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClasspathResolutionOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoJavaValidationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModletResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getOutputEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getPlatformProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getProviderLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getSpecificationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateEncodingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTemplateProfileOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getTransformerLocationOption() );
        return options;
    // </editor-fold>

File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 441
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 760
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 344
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1139
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 428
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 421
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 570
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 482
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 482
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 597
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 563
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 423
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 538
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 244
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 461
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 780
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 364
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1159
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 448
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 441
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 590
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 502
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 502
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 651
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 583
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 443
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 558
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 264
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Modlet Schema System Id Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Modlet Schema System Id Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModletSchemaSystemIdOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Modlet Schema System Id Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Modlet Schema System Id Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 621
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 920
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1179
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 588
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 581
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 750
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 642
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 642
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 711
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 718
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Modlet Resource Validation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Modlet Resource Validation>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoModletResourceValidation()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "No Modlet Resource Validation" );
        assert _d != null : "'No Modlet Resource Validation' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Output Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Output Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getOutputEncodingOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 384
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 643
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 284
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Module Location Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Module Location Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getModuleLocationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Module Location Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Module Location Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ No Classpath Resolution Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <No Classpath Resolution Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getNoClasspathResolutionOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 162
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 241
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1036
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 291
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 400
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 406
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 260
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 259
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 141
     * Gets the {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Classpath Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Classpath Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getClasspathOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Classpath Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Classpath Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Country Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Country Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getCountryOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 241
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 560
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 264
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1059
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 228
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 221
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 370
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 282
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 282
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 477
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 483
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 323
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 338
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 164
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Documents Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Documents Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getDocumentsOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Documents Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Documents Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Implementation Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Implementation Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getImplementationOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 92
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 88
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 88
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 91
    protected void processClassFiles( final CommandLine commandLine ) throws CommandExecutionException
        if ( commandLine == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "commandLine" );

        CommandLineClassLoader classLoader = null;
        boolean suppressExceptionOnClose = true;

            classLoader = new CommandLineClassLoader( commandLine );
            final ModelContext context = this.createModelContext( commandLine, classLoader );
            final Model model = this.getModel( context, commandLine );
            final JAXBContext jaxbContext = context.createContext( model.getIdentifier() );
            final Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller( model.getIdentifier() );
            final Source source = new JAXBSource( jaxbContext, new ObjectFactory().createModel( model ) );
            final ModelValidationReport validationReport = context.validateModel( model.getIdentifier(), source );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 158
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 158
                        modlets.getModlet().addAll( ( (Modlets) o ).getModlet() );
                    else if ( this.isLoggable( Level.WARNING ) )
                        this.log( Level.WARNING, this.getCannotProcessMessage(
                                  this.getLocale(), f.getAbsolutePath(), o.toString() ), null );


            if ( commandLine.hasOption( this.getClasspathOption().getOpt() ) )
                String[] resourceNames = null;

                if ( commandLine.hasOption( this.getResourcesOption().getOpt() ) )
                    resourceNames = commandLine.getOptionValues( this.getResourcesOption().getOpt() );

                if ( resourceNames == null )
                    resourceNames = new String[]
File Line
org/jomc/cli/Jomc.java 637
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 361
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 680
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 284
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1079
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 348
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 341
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 490
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 402
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 402
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 497
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 503
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 363
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 458
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 184
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Verbose Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Verbose Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Application Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Verbose Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getVerboseOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 391
org/jomc/cli/model/OptionFactory.java 99
    public AbstractCommand()
        // SECTION-START[Default Constructor]
        // SECTION-END
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Dependencies]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Dependencies ">
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 360
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 506
                final String[] elements = commandLine.getOptionValues( this.getDocumentsOption().getOpt() );
                if ( elements != null )
                    for ( final String e : elements )
                        if ( e.startsWith( "@" ) )
                            String line = null;
                            final File file = new File( e.substring( 1 ) );
                            BufferedReader reader = null;
                            boolean suppressExceptionOnClose = true;

                                reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) );
                                while ( ( line = reader.readLine() ) != null )
                                    line = line.trim();
                                    if ( !line.startsWith( "#" ) )
                                        final File f = new File( line );

                                        if ( f.exists() )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 182
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 182

                for ( final String resource : resourceNames )
                    for ( final Enumeration<URL> e = classLoader.getResources( resource ); e.hasMoreElements(); )
                        final URL url = e.nextElement();

                        if ( this.isLoggable( Level.FINEST ) )
                            this.log( Level.FINEST, this.getReadingMessage( this.getLocale(), url.toExternalForm() ),
                                      null );


                        Object o = unmarshaller.unmarshal( url );
                        if ( o instanceof JAXBElement<?> )
                            o = ( (JAXBElement<?>) o ).getValue();

                        if ( o instanceof Modlet )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/Jomc.java 769
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1068
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 541
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1367
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 830
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1505
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1109
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1102
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1217
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1163
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1163
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1077
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1203
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 949
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1165
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 730
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param defaultLogLevel Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Default Log Level Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getDefaultLogLevelInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String defaultLogLevel )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Default Log Level Info", locale, defaultLogLevel );
        assert _m != null : "'Default Log Level Info' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Illegal Arguments Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param command Format argument.
     * @param helpCommandName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Illegal Arguments Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getIllegalArgumentsInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String command, final java.lang.String helpCommandName )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 802
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 419
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1101
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 564
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1239
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 843
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 836
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 951
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 897
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 897
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 811
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 937
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 683
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 899
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 464
        return _d;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Properties]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Properties ">
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Abbreviated Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Abbreviated name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getAbbreviatedCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Abbreviated Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Abbreviated Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Application Modlet>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the 'shaded' application modlet.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getApplicationModlet()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1249
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1375
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Illegal Transformation Result Error>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param stylesheetInfo Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Illegal Transformation Result Error>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getIllegalTransformationResultError( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String stylesheetInfo )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Illegal Transformation Result Error", locale, stylesheetInfo );
        assert _m != null : "'Illegal Transformation Result Error' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Including Modlet Info>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modletName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Including Modlet Info>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getIncludingModletInfo( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modletName )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1100
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1379
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param implementationIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Implementation Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getImplementationNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String implementationIdentifier )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Implementation Not Found Warning", locale, implementationIdentifier );
        assert _m != null : "'Implementation Not Found Warning' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param modelIdentifier Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Invalid Model Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getInvalidModelMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String modelIdentifier )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1876
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1650
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1643
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1706
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1706
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1392
        options.addOption( this.getLocaleVariantOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelContextFactoryOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModelOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModletSchemaSystemIdOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleLocationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getModuleNameOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoClasspathResolutionOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoJavaValidationOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelProcessingOption() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModelResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getNoModletResourceValidation() );
        options.addOption( this.getOutputEncodingOption() );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 134
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 134
                modletVendor = commandLine.getOptionValue( this.getModletVendorOption().getOpt() );

            if ( commandLine.hasOption( this.getDocumentsOption().getOpt() ) )
                for ( final File f : this.getDocumentFiles( commandLine ) )
                    if ( this.isLoggable( Level.FINEST ) )
                        this.log( Level.FINEST, this.getReadingMessage( this.getLocale(), f.getAbsolutePath() ), null );

                    Object o = unmarshaller.unmarshal( f );
                    if ( o instanceof JAXBElement<?> )
                        o = ( (JAXBElement<?>) o ).getValue();

                    if ( o instanceof Modlet )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 86
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 81
public final class CommitClassesCommand extends AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand
    // SECTION-START[Command]
    // SECTION-START[CommitClassesCommand]

    protected void processClassFiles( final CommandLine commandLine ) throws CommandExecutionException
        if ( commandLine == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "commandLine" );

        CommandLineClassLoader classLoader = null;
        boolean suppressExceptionOnClose = true;

            classLoader = new CommandLineClassLoader( commandLine );
            final ModelContext context = this.createModelContext( commandLine, classLoader );
            final Model model = this.getModel( context, commandLine );
            final JAXBContext jaxbContext = context.createContext( model.getIdentifier() );
            final Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller( model.getIdentifier() );
            final Source source = new JAXBSource( jaxbContext, new ObjectFactory().createModel( model ) );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 838
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 439
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1137
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 600
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1275
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 879
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 872
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 987
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 933
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 933
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 847
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 973
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 719
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 935
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 500
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Command Name>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return Name of the command.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getCommandName()
        final java.lang.String _p = (java.lang.String) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getProperty( this, "Command Name" );
        assert _p != null : "'Command Name' property not found.";
        return _p;
     * Gets the value of the {@code <Modlet Excludes>} property.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @return List of modlet names to exclude from any {@code META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml} files separated by {@code :}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the property instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.lang.String getModletExcludes()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/Jomc.java 638
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 362
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 396
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 681
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 285
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1080
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 349
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 342
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 491
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 403
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 403
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 498
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 504
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 364
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 459
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 185
org/jomc/cli/model/OptionFactory.java 104
     * Gets the {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <default>} object of the {@code <java.util.Locale>} specification at specification level 1.1.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Locale>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private java.util.Locale getLocale()
        final java.util.Locale _d = (java.util.Locale) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Locale" );
        assert _d != null : "'Locale' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Verbose Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Verbose Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Application Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Verbose Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getVerboseOption()
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 918
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 455
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1217
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 680
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1355
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 959
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 952
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1067
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1013
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1013
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 927
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1053
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 799
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1015
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 580
        return _p;
    // </editor-fold>
    // SECTION-START[Messages]
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Messages ">
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Application Title>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Application Title>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getApplicationTitle( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Application Title", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Application Title' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param itemInfo Format argument.
     * @param detailMessage Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Cannot Process Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getCannotProcessMessage( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String itemInfo, final java.lang.String detailMessage )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractClassFileProcessorCommand.java 1324
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractCommand.java 562
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractJomcToolCommand.java 1603
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 1002
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModletCommand.java 1677
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1365
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 1358
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 1473
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 1419
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 1419
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 1312
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 1438
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 1142
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 1441
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateModelCommand.java 902
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Long Description Message>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getLongDescriptionMessage( final java.util.Locale locale )
        final String _m = org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getMessage( this, "Long Description Message", locale );
        assert _m != null : "'Long Description Message' message not found.";
        return _m;
     * Gets the text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message.
     * <p><dl>
     *   <dt><b>Languages:</b></dt>
     *     <dd>English (default)</dd>
     *     <dd>Deutsch</dd>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>Yes</dd>
     * </dl></p>
     * @param locale The locale of the message to return.
     * @param moduleName Format argument.
     * @return The text of the {@code <Module Not Found Warning>} message for {@code locale}.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the message instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private String getModuleNotFoundWarning( final java.util.Locale locale, final java.lang.String moduleName )
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 88
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 88
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 91
org/jomc/cli/commands/ValidateClassesCommand.java 87
    protected void processResourceFiles( final CommandLine commandLine ) throws CommandExecutionException
        if ( commandLine == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "commandLine" );

        CommandLineClassLoader classLoader = null;
        boolean suppressExceptionOnClose = true;

            classLoader = new CommandLineClassLoader( commandLine );
            final ModelContext context = this.createModelContext( commandLine, classLoader );
            final Model model = this.getModel( context, commandLine );
            final JAXBContext jaxbContext = context.createContext( model.getIdentifier() );
            final Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller( model.getIdentifier() );
            final Source source = new JAXBSource( jaxbContext, new ObjectFactory().createModel( model ) );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractModelCommand.java 166
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 146
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 199
                    Object o = u.unmarshal( f );
                    if ( o instanceof JAXBElement<?> )
                        o = ( (JAXBElement<?>) o ).getValue();

                    if ( o instanceof Module )
                        modules.getModule().add( (Module) o );
                    else if ( o instanceof Modules )
                        modules.getModule().addAll( ( (Modules) o ).getModule() );
                    else if ( this.isLoggable( Level.WARNING ) )
                        this.log( Level.WARNING, this.getCannotProcessMessage(
                                  this.getLocale(), f.getAbsolutePath(), o.toString() ), null );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 146
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 199
                    Object o = unmarshaller.unmarshal( f );
                    if ( o instanceof JAXBElement<?> )
                        o = ( (JAXBElement<?>) o ).getValue();

                    if ( o instanceof Modlet )
                        modlets.getModlet().add( (Modlet) o );
                    else if ( o instanceof Modlets )
                        modlets.getModlet().addAll( ( (Modlets) o ).getModlet() );
                    else if ( this.isLoggable( Level.WARNING ) )
                        this.log( Level.WARNING, this.getCannotProcessMessage(
                                  this.getLocale(), f.getAbsolutePath(), o.toString() ), null );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 310
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 316
                    mergedModlet = (Modlet) ( (JAXBElement<?>) result.getResult() ).getValue();
                    throw new CommandExecutionException( this.getIllegalTransformationResultError(
                        this.getLocale(), stylesheetFile.getAbsolutePath() ) );


            marshaller.setProperty( Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE );

            if ( commandLine.hasOption( this.getDocumentEncodingOption().getOpt() ) )
                marshaller.setProperty( Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING,
                                        commandLine.getOptionValue( this.getDocumentEncodingOption().getOpt() ) );


            marshaller.setSchema( context.createSchema( ModletObject.MODEL_PUBLIC_ID ) );
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractResourceFileProcessorCommand.java 742
org/jomc/cli/commands/AbstractSourceFileProcessorCommand.java 735
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 830
org/jomc/cli/commands/GenerateResourcesCommand.java 796
org/jomc/cli/commands/ManageSourcesCommand.java 796
org/jomc/cli/commands/ShowModelCommand.java 643
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Specification Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Specification Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getSpecificationOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Specification Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Specification Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
File Line
org/jomc/cli/commands/CommitClassesCommand.java 850
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModletsCommand.java 791
org/jomc/cli/commands/MergeModulesCommand.java 897
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Stylesheet Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Stylesheet Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Stylesheet Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused", "PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"})
    @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "org.jomc.tools.SourceFileProcessor 1.9", comments = "See http://www.jomc.org/jomc/1.9/jomc-tools-1.9" )
    private org.apache.commons.cli.Option getStylesheetOption()
        final org.apache.commons.cli.Option _d = (org.apache.commons.cli.Option) org.jomc.ObjectManagerFactory.getObjectManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader() ).getDependency( this, "Stylesheet Option" );
        assert _d != null : "'Stylesheet Option' dependency not found.";
        return _d;
     * Gets the {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * <p>
     *   This method returns the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Template Encoding Option>} object of the {@code <JOMC ⁑ CLI ⁑ Command Option>} specification at specification level 1.2.
     *   That specification does not apply to any scope. A new object is returned whenever requested and bound to this instance.
     * </p>
     * <dl>
     *   <dt><b>Final:</b></dt><dd>No</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @return The {@code <Template Encoding Option>} dependency.
     * @throws org.jomc.ObjectManagementException if getting the dependency instance fails.